I blame the silly stereotypes that tell you: 'When a girl says YES, she means NO. When she says NO, she means YES. When she says MAYBE it's a definite YES..!!! Who came up with that shish must be a stepford wife or a male chauvinist pig who thinks we can't make up our own minds.
Correction to all those Romeos out there; NO means NO. & you're lucky we live where we do, had this been the EU,US or any 1st world country your a$$ would be in jail for anything between harassment to plotting to kill.
& on another joyful note, since when has NO stopped being a personal choice & became an attack on the other person's character?
Guy (aka victim if you're a guy reading this, douche if you're a girl reading this) *With a blank look on his face*: I understand.
Girl (a lil bit relived it was easy & painless) ok great then you take care. Bye.
Guy: ok I'll call you tomorrow
Girl: O_o uhuum what? No that will be unnecessary, thanks, bye!
Guy: but we're goin to the movies.
Girl: NO because we just ended it.
Guy: naaaaaah you'll come around.
Girl: come around where?!?!?!?!?!? No guy it's over. We should really not hang out anymore
Guy (blank stare goes to anger face minus the green tint) YOU ARE ENDING IT WITH MEEEE?
MEEEEE? Who do you think you are!!!! (Continue with whatever rage fit, you think best describes you)
It has nothing to do with you, & it's not negative. It's a CHOICE.
People have a right to chose what they want to do, you can't force things on them. & you need to simply move on.
Rejection is ok, you have rejected people before, you've broken hearts whether you know it or not.

Moral: MOVE ON kthxbai
Hehe, that's one angry post.
ReplyDeleteActually, it goes both ways !
Girls will label the guy as a "player" if he breaks up with her...there's no way on earth to put in her head that she's not the right one, she'll automically assume that this evil guy was just playing her.
nice post...
I wish there was some "BLOCK" button in this life, such as facebook, twitter, etc...
ReplyDeleteSince REMOVE does not work anymore!
@Hamdanism i'm willing to put up with players as long as i don't have to deal with - the other type of drama
ReplyDelete@prosperadaffirmations omg yes - BLOCK YOU FROM MY LIFE...!! love it
a good friend of mine linked me to this:
George Cotanza tries to break up with Maura - a girl he was dating. priceless..
@AhmadQ if i say yes..will u want more or make me prove it? or will u simply kick a$$ job B :-D
ReplyDeletewhat about the girls that just dont let go.. what do you call them.. its not always the guy you know.. often the chicks just cant accept that your over them..
ReplyDelete@lirun but i'm a girl who writes about things :-D
ReplyDeletemaybe you should write about the girls and i'll write about the boys.
:) man oh man those pathetic modern romeos with their tries&twists and seeks for a closure n explanation,being happy if they get a tiny one..jad wadi3hom sadness,I feel like bitch slapping them!
ReplyDeletewhen u talk of the stereotypes do you change ur voice tone,trying to make it guy like? that never gets old..lol
u c..attraction is not a choice,in either gender,and if a man tries too much even if the woman was lingering for him,even if she had love heart bubbly eyes for him,he will come off as needy and sad as u stated,creating dis-attraction and extreme loss of interest in him..and that loss of interest is not something that the woman can control even if she wanted to.
at the same time, there are certain types of men who are alpha males,fighters by instinct,u can easily spot them leading their peers,looking out for the weak,standing up high with the big alphas,and having zero fear of anything in life..when these men turn into true romeos..they fight for their woman with their decent intentions like they'd fight for a holly cause and more,even if they were fully aware of any dis-attraction they're creating..they just keep fighting following their pure instinct without reason,mind u..we won't be human beings if everything came into reason.
eventually life puts everything back on track again, the paths of two lives that were in contact and got wired in the process,get set apart again,each going the direction they seek.
whether got bitten,shot down,or crashed&burned with no reach for the ejection handle..it is all part of a life experience,that we should look at from a distance and be glad for whatever added value it has brought to us even if we're not aware of it at the time..two ppl sharing a unique experience together "even if it's unique to only one of them"..at a distant time in a distant age..everything has a taste.
khodlak il falsafeh..scuze my long comment, I know it's a blog post of its own, but I find this post and subject intriguing..aham ishi dayman ra7et balek lady Bonnie ou being happy with those whom you choose to make you happy...I also foresee an amazing career for you..keep it up,you're an icon in media and PR,a huge success for u would only be ur rightfully earned common sense.
..bring on a good show lady ;)
ReplyDeleteNo means no
what the heck are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteEveryone relates to a certain topic from their experience, as I've been recently "bitten" by a story similar to the one mentioned here,I guess I'm trying to place my "Godfather" wise-like perspective on relationships in my above comment,putting coolness into myself and my writing..
truth is there's nothing cool about being bitten,or manipulated into the others mental sickness,yes when you're the victim that's what happens.
Unlike the story B mentions in this post were the guy is gently put down and a mature rational conversation is taking place, the woman I dealt with was a 2 face,a hollywood actress showing ppl 1 jolly nice extremely cool face,and then showing me extreme rigid caveage mentality when I approached her,she had an ego that is willing to crush any potential of a good thing in her life just to satisfy or fulfill itself,and talking or speaking her mind to me in a mature rational way would never occur,resulting disrespect and obvious bitterness from my side..a true "cool" woman would never handle the situation like that.
Moreover when I decided to walk away she was devastated into bits,longing for me,realizing this "stupid me" I tried to come back,she gave me green lights at 1st only to switch into a false labeling machine "with her sick mind and ego" attacking me and trying to put me into a chair and image that would never fit me,trying to act superior when I'm the one who fully consciously gave her every inch of rope of power she abused..she took every action out of context never looking at any result but focusing on the stupid details just to create sickness and drama in her mind.
But there is another nasty part of this story..Me..yes I'm no angel, she was below my standards from day 1,I felt superior n more classy overall all along..but I let it flow "blame the phases of gat3a,yel3an abu hal balad" I liked her thoughts and found her clicking with my current life that I was willing to settle for her even with all her obvious mental issues..but who was I kidding? I only wanted to own her,for a month or two..maybe a few more..Id be happy at 1st specially that she would ave been hard to get "yes I'm sick too"..only until a woman matching my standards would inevitably walk in..then the outcome wouldn't have been pretty..a good wise friend of mine got to know my story,he knows me well and the 1st thing he told me is "don't hurt her heart,plz walk away"..but I'm the bitten one here man u make no sense?!..obviously he does..
I believe it is extremely easy for a "cool" woman in Amman to get a bunch of guys to select from,all willing to keep up with anything she does or any mental sickness she presents,and with that I tell her good luck..I definitely don't need this sick mentality and headache presented in my life even if she would have "zabtat" so destiny got me out of a close call on this one, I really wish for her happiness,and I just hope when she pops up in my life "she's is all over the place" that I'll be able to respectfully be left alone to walk my own path.
I know I learned my lesson dealing with her,never go below my standards,never ignore the gigantic flashing warning signs..maybe I should treat my relationships with a little more respect..
and that is all the energy I'll ever burn on that matter through typing in this comment box..much regretted wasted energy on her..I'm just glad she doesn't read blogs,if she'd read this she'd think I'm a vicious villain from hell..ammm which I'm not.. ;)
ReplyDeletedon't even bother :-]
*sigh* i'm so glad there are so many ppl who know about this, & so much proof..
@mohd dude,interesting experience
ReplyDeletetell me,did she ever gave u the impression that you are the only/first man she opens up to&that you r different,and something special is going on yada yada?ur the love of her life?the standard of girls.
i agree with the writer,some guys don't understand a no,or think no one can ever reject them
i am a dude,happily single,as 99% of jordan girls r mental