sometimes a little something triggers a memory or a thought of you
it makes me wonder where you are or what you're up to
have you found what you are looking for?
is it still as it was before?
are you ok? are you happy? are you sleeping & eating well?
or are you still fighting to break out of your inner hell?
i miss reading your font on my screen or smelling the sarcasm in your tone
i miss seeing u flirt with other girls then wait till i get to laugh about it later on
whether in private or in public - you made me feel special
you raised the bar higher than i would've liked
& it was all with your lame first impression
you knew how to deal with me
you knew what to say
you never asked me to put up with you
or even begged me to stay
it took a lot of courage to admit certain things
i didn't want to believe a single word you said
i felt like dying when you said you wished you were dead
many a times i wish i never met you
because now i can't help then and again but
to think of you, dream about you
& wonder do i ever cross your mind - from time to time?
sometimes i shed a tear, sometimes i smile
most of the time i say nothing is wrong
hey, at least i try
you will always be up in your tower
i will be dancing in front of millions on the streets
you're anything but a coward
you're my sweet, breakable Quasimodo

intensely deep...
ReplyDeletewow! how long have you been there holding her heart? where did you come from? and then you've set apart?!
ReplyDeleteand I used to think her heart is mine,all I had to do is push to claim it,I thought it's my piece of tart.
this is older news for me now,but it makes sense,it gives me more peace..
my mistakes I did,were countless,you may have even leveraged on them,but they never mattered,it was a lost case from the start,for months I didn't hear her right,she was taken,no her heart was taken..which is even worse to deal with..
in the shadows I hide when I see her face,to respect her and not to trespass her ever again,to make sure her good soul smile and entertain.
I'm relieved when I don't see her,but her name keeps playing in the air,she's unavoidable,she's everywhere..
whatever she thinks of me is her choice to make,but I refuse to see the blood the cities are set to war..some friendly terms should take place,at least a nod,for those ties she ignore..
I plan to repeat the phase,there are high goals to meet for both of us to take place.
now don't mess about,we're both experts in the field,man to man player to player,how many poison have we set into women's lives? how many straps did we grab to never call the next day?
we both know she's not one of those,we both know she's up on a cloud when the rest roam the earth.
don't wait for Jesus to come and guide you,go to her,I'd drag you myself if I could.
appreciate what you got,I know no man who wouldn't envy you for her heart.
was it may the best man win from the start?
I'll always be the best..but this time you win
Adorable, I really like this.