Jul 20, 2010

Where did this laziness come from?

I'm super lazy & I've been procrastinating one thing too many.

I used to commend myself on being able to juggle different errands & deadlines.
but since i haven't had much to do for a while it seems i can't even do more than one thing at the same time :-/

My sleeping hours have increased to well over 8hrs - I'm always too exhausted
is it the heat? I hate using ACs & fans give me a headache & make me nauseous, but then again I can't sleep when it's too hot. I'm confused, incoherent & bothered.

is it a pattern I've sunken into? i Have been doin minimal work for a while now that i feel i can't do the bigger tasks without breaking a sweat ..

i don't get it, don't like it, need to change it..help?


Jul 17, 2010

Why are Jews so powerful?

There are only 14 million Jews in the world; seven million in the Americas,
five million in Asia, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa. For
every single Jew in the world there are 100 Muslims. Yet, Jews are more
than a hundred times more powerful than all the Muslims put together.

Jul 10, 2010

Great Advice from my Mum

I'm so glad i have my mum to teach me the following, & I'm glad I'm able to share them with you.
well she sent it to me..but i prefer thinking it was a 'her-to-me' kinda tihing

Jul 4, 2010

فلسطين في موسوعة جينس

على اعتبار أن موسوعة جينتس للأرقام القياسية تجمع الأحداث والغرائب التي حققت أرقام قياسية تم تسجيلها لمختلف المجالات في العالم أجمع ، وكون أن الكيان اليهودي له خصوصية قد انفرد بها عن العالم وخرج بها عن المألوف في الممارسات والإجراءات!! بوصفه ' بدعة عالمية ' غير مسبوقة في النظام العالمي والقوانين الدولية ، الذي تعدى وتجاوز القوانين والأعراف والمواثيق في تأسيسه وقيامه ، وفي ممارساته وتشريعاته ، وفي حقوقه وواجباته .

Jul 3, 2010



By Yvonne Ridley

I wonder how many of you remember the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro way back in October 1985?

Four members of the Palestine Liberation Front took control of the liner off Egypt as she was sailing from Alexandria to Port Said.