What I would like for the year 2009 is for it t bring peace of mind to everyone, a sincere sound of heart, and a big f*cking bag of money for me
The economy hasn't shaped up yet, there's a black man in the white house, war on my east, a heart-breaking occupation and war against humanity on my west and a struggle to be the best I possibly can, on the inside.
I really do NOT like technology! I don't like it..! No reason, I just don't.
Actually yes there is, SEVERAL reasons come to think about it! Technology has ruined humanity & sentiment for me. As a matter of fact for everyone; unconsciously we are all robots now. Yes we are!
If I tell you a story in person, it can break your heart & you would cry (maybe), but if you watch a video, or read that story, you may pause it to get up and get a drink, or use the bathroom; you may even come to it the next day...Well guess what? You just ruined the whole story, you can't pause it, you SHOULDN'T pause it.
People mention water first, but i personally don't like the bland plain taste of water. I like taste! we have taste-buds why should I be deprived of an extra dash of taste?
I take mine black with sugar in the morning, white with no sugar midday and then black in the evening, no sugar no cream.
So it begins, again. This would be my dozen plus 1 time, at least, trying to write a blog and perhaps keep it?
The thing with blogs is essentially you throw them into a vast sphere of nothingness. You don't see the expression on one's face when they read it; and I like to know what impressions my little writings leave, after all their comments on blogs they read are optional where as their facial reactions are not.